Actualités : Cameroun

NJIKWA : Children Regain Classrooms Two Weeks After Official Date - Site Web Officiel du Journal L'Action

This came after a series of announcements made in churches, market places and funeral grounds for parents by CPDM local authorities.

CPDM local authorities in Njikwa have continued to encourage parents to make hey while it shines. Local authorities in the section are also preaching peace and encouraging parents to inculcate the right values in their children.In the words of Egoh Ringo, section president for Momo west; “Education is the key to every society, and the guarantee for a vibrant future. It is an injustice for some to try to deprive children from their basic right to education. Let’s give our children the opportunity to get educated without which we will be raising a generation of illitrates and this will not benefit anyone”, he said.Prior to the return to classrooms in the section, and other party authorities had been sending messages to all thirty-two (32) sub sections.They have also been insisting on those who have been deceived and who are promoting insecurity in the section to come back to their senses and to consider the request of the National President of the CPDM and Head of State to regain normal life.Mrs. Linda Aba a parent from Ikweri village was glad to see her two children hit the road to school. “We are happy, our children like every other child in Cameroon are in the classrooms. It was very stressful to watch them idle around these past two weeks. We thank God they have finally started. Our prayer is that God will protect them and that they will be allowed to study for their future”, she insisted.CPDM authorities have been making use of the social media, meetings and every available gathering to send their messages to the people.Their CPDM message has and continues to reverberate in the Forest and Savananah zones of the section including villages like Oshie, Ngwo, Ikweri,Bakwa, Ekwebo, Konda; Banya, Bassa and Bako.Though some parents continue to be skeptical due to fear of attacks by separatists’ gangs, the section president of the CPDM for Njikwa, has maintained that “peace be given a chance and that children should not be deprived of education”.Discussions with the Divisional Officer, traditional rulers, and notables are on to ensure this message goes all over the section.


Article publié le mardi 26 septembre 2023
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